Beehouse Dripper

Beehouse Dripper

Made in Japan, the Beehouse dripper is a simple manual way to brew coffee. The dripper can be brewed over a carafe, or directly over your mug. If you're looking to experience some of the more unique flavors in a single origin coffee, this is a great brew method. Our preferred ratio is 15:1 water to coffee, but you can always adjust depending on your taste. For this guide, let's brew one cup. If you're starting with whole beans, grind to about the coarseness of sea salt. See the gallery below for further clarification.

  1. Add your #2 filter to the dripper.
  2. After heating water to near boiling, pour hot water from the kettle through the filter paper. Be sure to fully saturate the sides. This flushes out any paper taste and heats the dripper. Discard this water but leave the filter in place.
  3. Pour the ground coffee in the center of the filter and shake to level.
  4. Place the assembly on the scale and tare.
  5. Gently pour 46 grams of water over the coffee and allow to bloom (rise up, and level out) for about 30 seconds.
  6. Continue pouring water over the coffee in a gentle circle, adding 100 grams of water at a time. Let it percolate (but not completely drain) before beginning the next pour. 
  7. Allow the water to completely drain, remove dripper, pour, and enjoy.

You'll Need:

  • 23 grams coffee
  • 350 ml (~12 oz.) water
  • Beehouse dripper
  • #2 filter
  • Digital scale
  • Kettle
  • Grinder
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